The Parallels Between Bourbon Hunting and Fly Fishing: Part 1 of 3 “The Intro"

For starters, here is my attempt at a training wheels version of explaining “bourbon hunting

As defined by the intra webs; Bourbon hunting is trying to acquire those rare, dusty and allocated bottles of bourbon that everyone desires to have on their shelves

Two words that stand out: DESIRE and ACQUIRE

Why would someone want to hunt bourbon?

To drink of course! Not so fast…

Well, short answer is, for many different reasons. It’s oddly similar to the reasons that people fly fish. They might hunt bourbon to collect it, drink it, sell it, share it, stare at it, the list goes on. All of the listed reasons can be categorized under a desire to have it or the effort to acquire it.

How does this relate to fly fishing?

Shameless plug to go and read my last blog – expectations vs reality while fly fishing. This will lay the groundwork as to why people fly fish and perspective

People fly fish for a variety of reasons; challenge, tranquility, community, enjoyment, etc. Over the last few years, I have noticed these themes often overlap with those of bourbon hunting

I would love to fly fish daily just as much as the next guy - it just isn’t realistic. Bourbon hunting filled that void as it provided a hobby that was available

Why should I care?

Well, if you enjoy a quality two finger pour of bourbon once in a while and happen to like fly fishing as well, this series will provide some parallels between the two

It may even offer an alternative hobby that will get you through the work week

I plan to share my experiences while bourbon hunting over the last two years – each section will connect back to fly fishing

  • Where do you find rare or allocated bourbon?

  • When does said bourbon get released or dropped?

  • Bourbon hunting lingo – talk the talk

  • State ran systems vs private

  • Building relationships/community (social/in-person)

  • Luck – no need to explain

Tune in for part 2, as we get “into the weeds” on all things bourbon hunting with a dropper of fly fishing

Stay in the game, you never know what can happen


Meet the Author: Bryce Campbell

Outdoor creative, freelancer, weekend warrior - at the end of the day, Bryce Campbell is a storyteller. He is a lifelong angler, photographer, writer and co-founder of Bourbon and Browns. Over the years, Bryce has chased fish all over the United States, from Redfish to creek chubs. In the end, Bryce just wants to be relatable and share with the world the beauty and passion of fly fishing!

All photos were taken by Bryce Campbell