The Parallels Between Bourbon Hunting and Fly Fishing: Part 1 of 3 “The Intro"

Well, if you enjoy a quality two finger pour of bourbon once in a while and happen to like fly fishing as well, this series will provide some parallels between the two

It may even offer an alternative hobby that will get you through the work week

I plan to share my experiences while bourbon hunting over the last two years – each section will connect back to fly fishing

The ‘Expectation vs “Reel” ality check’

All super crafty titles aside, I think at some point in your fly fishing journey, whether you are a beginner or a seasoned tail water battle hardened veteran, we reach a point where things just don’t quite feel the same. It’s like something is missing. A void.  All week you were obsessing over the game plan to include fly patterns, weather forecasts, river flows, gear preparation, texts to troll your buddies, etc… But when the day finally comes and ends, there is, at times, an empty feeling. I’ve been there, on more than one occasion.


Everyone has a reason for why they fish. Only YOU can answer that question. I’m sure a lot of us, including me, scroll through our Instagram feeds liking and commenting and some truly breath-taking pictures and videos of 30-inch browns with 7-inch streamers hanging out of their mouths or some guy on a ladder with a 30-inch cutthroat from Pyramid Lake.


Planning a fly-fishing trip can be a very daunting task, but with the right tools and a few tips in the blog you will be well on your way to a successful trip. I will use my recent trip to New Orleans (NOLA) as an example for all you home bodies afraid to leave the comfort of your favorite fishing hole.

In the Trenches: Our Tight Line Nymphing Setup

the big nasties (aka linemen) are in the trenches with the defense trying to let Tom Brady get a couple tapes on the highlight reel.  None of the glory, none of the highlights, just grabbing other grown ass men and trying to titty twister them into the ground...